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This woodpecker pecked his shadow for almost an hour on my neighbor’s van this past weekend…he reminded me how we peck ourselves the same way and think our own shadow is out to get us. The big bad version of us is all puffed up and ready to fight when we really just need to make friends with ourselves.


Our shadow self is a reflection of our inner wounds that are asking to be brought to the light. The stuff we drive deeper into our soul when we try to shine our light but it makes us feel inadequate, inferior and a perceived hostile threat to ourselves or others. These unhealed wounds get triggered and activated when we have inner work to do and we don’t give ourselves time and space to let the emotions and stagnant energy out of our energetic fields.


E woke up and we went out to investigate him further. He was still pecking away at himself in the windshield. He finally flew off to a phone pole and pecked at that a few times only to fly back to his shadow and duel it out some more in the van window. 


A car drove by and this pecker kept on pecking. A runner came by, stopped and took a picture of him and he kept on fighting the image of himself in the window. He had an enemy to defeat. 


Dogs barked in our quiet neighborhood and it didn’t phase him…peck. peck. peck. He jumped at himself and made himself look mean…the big bird looking back at him did the same thing. It made him even more upset. They dueled it out. Neither of them a winner in the end but the lesson he pecked into my soul will stay with me.


Every time I see or hear him pecking on the phone pole in the neighborhood, I will be reminded to talk nice to my inner self because she is just here to show me the aspects of myself that make me want to fight and need healing. 


What is your shadow self trying to reflect back at you today?


If you want to learn more about your shadow self, please join our Healing Home Community below or our Emotional Healing Collective Facebook group. We have resources and trainings for you to enjoy and learn more about your shadow self.